Sunday, August 31, 2008


Remember this? That was in May.

This is from August.

Jack & Chie are doing well; this month we had some fleas & Chie had tapeworms, but that's been handled. Not too bad. I also don't know what happened to the font option on this editor but whatever.


Krissy said... least your doggie stays still for you to take pictures.

Lauren said...

This is only because I take THOUSANDS of pictures & videos. And of those thousands, usually 1 or 2 will actually have dogs in them, rather than blurs of color & teeth.

Phil said...

So cute!

My sister might be thinking of getting another dog. Our Shar-Pei recently passed away and we don't want the other dog to be lonely =(

Krissy said...

we have a puppy in our puppy class that looks like chie.