Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Little Rant: Pi'ikoi & Lunalilo

Pi'ikoi & Lunalilo has got to be one of the most annoying intersections that I know of.

Left turners from Pi'ikoi never seem to have a problem fucking over those of us hoping to turn left down Pensacola just so they can get on the freeway a few minutes sooner. It's really amazing how base the human spirit can be when it comes to getting in front of someone else.

In the past I've driven up as close as possible to the asshats blocking my way & then held down my horn. Just held it down, continuously, until they got the fuck out of my way. Yeah, it's amazing.

Further up where the freeway onramp is there are always even more dickheads pushing their way into the already congested lane to get on the freeway. When in the onramp lane, I always deny admission. Fuck that. If you needed to get on the freeway, you could have gotten into this lane a long time ago & waited in line like the rest of us. Instead these schmucks think they're so much more important than the rest of us on the road that they cruise right on up the "to Ward Avenue" lane & then want to cut in at the last moment. Again: fuck that. I even drive past the upset would-be cutters mouthing "Noooooooo" out my window. Yeah, fuck them.

Ok, I feel better now. I'm going to forward this to Dave Hisaka.


Krissy said...

i soooooooo hate when they do that. unfortunately, most cops could finish their quota of monthly tickets in one day if they just stayed there during rush hour. unfortunately, the cops only come at the end of the month not to relieve the congestion, but to give tickets. they should have a cop there all the time!!!!

rogan said...

I live in Aiea and everyday, EVERY DAY, heading home in the left lane of the freeway, I get stuck behind 15 idiots who are trying to get back into the H1 parking lot merge from my exit.

Of course when I lived in Salt Lake at "da haus" in Little Manilla I'd take the Stadium exit by the Panasonic building and back then, the same idiots going on H1 parking lot would take that exit and block it up while waiting to take their illegal left turn back onto the freeway. They finally blocked it off so they can't do it anymore.

Now we just need some kind of land mine strip to prevent the idiots from clogging up the Aiea exit.

Also, cars in the left lane should self-destruct when going < 50mph on the freeway when there are no cars in front of them for a mile. Thanks!

Unknown said...

You couldn't have mirrored my sentiments better! Couldn't be as articulate as you so had a good laugh 'cause now I feel better, too!

In fact, just today, I ran into that situation. I was trying to think of all kinds of ways that those inconsiderate *!^'s could get their day in court. Like how about camera's getting their license plates and then mailing these people their tickets? Or assigning a cop there at variable times? At least once a week. And failing all legal means, how about lobbing raw eggs at their cars to mark them as jerks???

Honestly, you know I'm a peace loving person with not a mean bone in my body. These people should be arrested just for making us feel violent!

Unknown said...

LOVE IT!! I live on Kewalo and Lunalilo...this intersection is two blocks away from me and basically you just took a picture of my vantage point 3-5 times a day.

Sometimes even when the mountain-bound people on Pi'ikoi have a RED they still try to take a free left...I've been heading to the freeway on Lunalilo and gotten HONKED at by the red-light people who've almost hit me, thinking they have the right of way on MY green! Do you think part of the problem might be the solid white lane line...maybe they think it's a free turn lane? Whatever it is, THANK YOU for your rant...and the photo!