Tuesday, May 13, 2008

All's Well On May... whatever day this is.

Things seem to be going along swimmingly. Jack & Chie are inseparable, & although I have to search for my slippers every time I step out of the house, Chie's hiding places are fairly predictable so it's not too bad.

Tonight, hopefully, I am going to see Iron Man at least with my sister if not with Keola, who first proposed a movie night. Where the hell are you Keola? Problems with the Mobi, probably.

I've been having anger problems lately. We think it's the Mircette. The other evening I flipped off a cop who was following me, obviously hoping to find something he could pull me over for as I had just left a bar.

I have bad news for you, buddy. I had diet coke all night. Fuck off.

But that wasn't it; I think that was relatively appropriate. What disturbs me is that I then spent the rest of my drive home ranting furiously to myself about cops. How they're not here to help any of us & they're never around when someone actually needs help or when a crime is being committed... because they're all so busy stalking the average man waiting for him to make one mistake so they can write him a ticket. "Respect, Honor, Integrity," what is that BS? Cops are just another gang, except that they wear uniforms. Some of the most corrupt, malicious bastards I know are cops.

I could go on forever.

By the time I parked my car at home, I had to actually tell myself to shut the hell up & take a deep breath.

So I stopped taking the Mircette. Back to Yasmin for me. And I'd better check to see when my safety check is due.

1 comment:

Phil said...

They both look so cute like that.